We worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Our worship includes a mix of traditional and contemporary music. We also read scripture, listen to a message from the pastor, pray together and take an offering that supports our church’s ministries. Our young people often have a role in leading worship, and Pastor Ellie often describes our services as casual, unfussy, intergenerational, and welcoming.
Children and babies are celebrated in worship. There’s a small “prayground” in the back, and a game room for children upstairs in the balcony to hang out in before and after worship. Our nursery attendant, Sofi, is available for support inside and outside the sanctuary on Sundays.
The central act of worship for Disciples of Christ is Communion. We gather around the table to remember the grace and love of God revealed to us in the life of Jesus Christ and to celebrate his presence among us. Every person is welcome at the table, regardless of membership, baptismal status, or belief. There’s enough for everybody.
Traditionally, NWCC has practiced “believer’s Baptism,” meaning that we baptize those who have reached an age when they can make a commitment to be a follower of Jesus Christ. However, Pastor Ellie is always happy to baptize a baby upon request!
We practice the “priesthood of all believers” and believe that all Christians are called to ministry in their own way, and are empowered to serve in the administration of the church and in worship.