values & Mission
“I really only love God as much as I love the person I love the least.”
We are a community of practicing Christians. For us, this means that we do our best to practice our faith daily by being the hands and feet of Jesus Chris.. We care for those whom Jesus calls us to serve in our community (everybody! but especially the poor, the vulnerable, and those whom society has cast aside). We seek to share our faith in word and action with humility. We understand that being a follower of Jesus Christ takes a lot of practice, and not a single one of us have come close to perfecting it. But we sure are trying our best, and we know that God’s grace and mercy is more wonderful than we can imagine. We invite you to grow in faith and purpose with us!
Nobody is truly welcome until everybody is welcome. And that means every body
At Northwest Christian Church, we strive to follow in the way of Jesus Christ. We welcome all God’s children though differing in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance or theological perspective. We affirm the faith, baptism and spiritual gifts of all Christians, celebrating that all people are part of God’s good creation. We always have more to learn about welcome, and we do our best to listen, repent, learn, and take action that honors the inherent beauty of all of God’s creatures.
You have a place at the table here.
NWCC is a Green Chalice Congregation, meaning that we strive to honor God’s call to be faithful stewards of the earth. We believe we have a responsibility to our neighbors, our children, and our God to prioritize the natural world in the maintenance of our building, the spending of our funds, and the fulfillment of our mission.
We take steps to limit our waste, to conserve water, use compostable materials, and to steward our children’s vegetable garden well.